The Nifty Gaming Blog is mostly about Dungeons & Dragons, plus general high fantasy and RPG nonsense. It is the half-baked brainchild of Patrick McCarty, who also does serious, grown-up writing over at Cracked.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

It’s Finally Happening…

The new edition of D&D, which they’re just going to call “Dungeons & Dragons” (apparently), will be released in July, starting with a Starter Set and followed by a staggered release of the three core rulebooks, plus a cool-looking couple of adventures. You probably already know that, whoever you are.
I realize I picked a sort of odd time to start this blog. At one point, hot off my rejection from Dragon and Dungeon magazines, I planned on writing up the articles I had pitched, maybe slapping together a PDF with free fonts and public domain art and releasing it under the GSL, to try and get some modicum of practice writing for D&D before the next submission window rolled around and would be allowed to take another crack at the official magazines.

And then 4th Edition more-or-less died, and I found out that last round of submissions was in fact to be the last round of submissions for Dragon and Dungeon in their 4E incarnations, so that was that.
 I suppose I could have talked more about the previews of the upcoming edition, but I also hang out on the Wizards forums and GiantITP, so I was mostly talked out on Next. Which means I haven’t posted here in…awhile.

Also, turns out the big kick-off event for the new D&D is Tyranny of Dragons, which makes my piddly Empire of Dragons…thing seem even more redundant and derivative than it was before. Although, not to toot my own horn, I like some of what I did with the mythology. I might revisit some of that later on, but I think for now it’s safe to say that I’m shelving that. It’s time, I think, to work on a new setting, maybe something that hasn’t been done a thousand times. Once I get my hands on the new edition I plan on writing stuff for it, depending on what the licensing situation is for the new edition. (Quickly, for the uninitiated: Third Edition had a very permissive license allowing third parties tons of room to publish material for D&D without having to ask; 4E’s license was more restrictive in some ways but still very generous, and there has been no word yet on what the situation is with the new edition.) At any rate, watch this space, there’s more to come…