The Nifty Gaming Blog is mostly about Dungeons & Dragons, plus general high fantasy and RPG nonsense. It is the half-baked brainchild of Patrick McCarty, who also does serious, grown-up writing over at Cracked.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Let's Build a World: The Empire of Dragons - What's it Like to Live There?

I’d like to try and capture the “feel” of the Empire of Dragons for ordinary people and low-level PCs. What is it actually like to live in a world ruled by Dragons? Here’s what I’ve got so far.

Dragons don’t care about the common humanoids, or even low-level PCs. They want to rule, to dominate,
but even the maddest tyrant doesn’t want to be king of the ants. So while Dragons officially govern with absolute power, individual humanoids in the Empire have a pretty good amount of freedom. Dragons may vie with each other for control of fiefdoms, provinces, even the whole empire, but the individual humanoid settlements are beneath their notice, most of the time. What this means is that the experiences of the everyday people vary wildly among different parts of the empire. One person’s local government might be democratically elected, another’s might be under the control of a local despot. There is an acknowledged hierarchy of Dragons running the show, but the average person never really interacts with it. You might see the local Dragon lord flying overhead, surveying his lands every so often. Catching a glimpse of the actual Emperor would be a once-in-a-lifetime event. You hear about the wheelings and dealings going on in the upper echelons of society, but they don’t affect you. You wake up one morning and the red dragon statue in the plaza has been replaced with a white dragon, and someone tells you that the Emperor was deposed, and life goes on.

Low-level adventurers have a rough go of it. Every ancient barrow and forgotten temple has probably already been picked clean by some dragon looking to expand their hoard. Treasure hunting isn’t as viable a career in the Empire of Dragons as it is in other universes. You might find yourself working as a glorified gopher for the mayor of some insignificant town. But, hey, he’s got connections with the local lord. If you prove yourself with this guy, well, who knows…

Rebellion in the Empire of Dragons is unheard of, for two reasons. The first is obvious. The ruling class is made up of terrifying sky-monsters that breathe terrifying death on anyone who dares stand against them. Even if a large humanoid city rallied against its Dragon lord in sufficient force to defeat him or her, the dragon would just call in the neighbor dragons. Because while the Dragons fight amongst themselves, an attack on one Dragon is an attack on all Dragons. They do not suffer their rule to be questioned, and their vengeance is as terrible as it is swift.

The second reason is less obvious, and less horrific: advancement. Dragons won’t overlook something or someone that might be useful to them. While it happens quite rarely, a humanoid who proves themselves to a Dragon can very quickly find their social status elevated. Great warriors and powerful casters especially strive to become worthy  of the elevation that can come from gaining the attention of a powerful Dragon.

Of course, it’s also a rather insidious way of keeping people in line. They get sold on the one-in-a-million shot that their talent and hard work will elevate them to power and prestige, and so they keep their heads down and keep working, and the Dragons remain in power…

Next Time: Dragon Politics

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